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Hello, welcome and thank you so much for coming to my site. It is an honor to cross paths with you. My invitation as you read this, is for you to pause and listen to your own body knowing, how does what I share make you feel, does it resonate in any way, or light you up in a way that makes you feel I can be of support in your life. I trust in the wisdom of YOUR body, even when you aren’t always clear what it may be sharing with you. Our bodies and hearts know- our job is to listen and then act. 

My name is Chelsea Rose Cotton, I am a living embodiment of the radical power of following your longing. I am a student of Life, a radical educator and teacher, a fierce lover of Mother Earth,  a founder of a leadership immersion program called Wolves and Waterways, a Feral Visionary Coach, a steward of 1680 acres of land called Earth Teach Forest Park, a coach with The C-Suite Collective, and most of all a devotional leader in service.


I work with women who have big dreams, visions, longings for another way of living, leading and working. A way that stems from ancient knowledge, heart centered and soul focused. Women that at some point have forgotten or lost their way, but trust that if they remember and are reignited in their whole body truth they can make a real difference in the world. I work with women leaders- whatever that may mean for them, and redefine what true leadership is. I work with women who desire to live from their Wild inherent nature, and want to bring that into all areas of their life. Women who are ready to work with the unseen, their ancestors, spirits, and guides, and nature to support their vision and dreams. 


Women who work with me have radical shifts in their ability to lead from their intuition, listening to body knowing, and directly work with unseen energies that support Life. They are able to start to incorporate more of their values into how they show up in the world. They become more sustainable with time, energy, and resources because they aren’t using their life force in worry, hiding, or fear. They feel other energies backing them, and build a council of support so they know they aren’t alone. We work with mother nature, and create sustainable and practical devotional practices to build a strong container to connect to source, self, and vision.


So, you may be asking, how do you do this, how did you get here? From the age of 13 I started apprenticing with a shamanic healer, traveling to Peru and Mexico with her and working with wisdom keepers and elders. The spirit realms, and other worlds of magic is where I have always felt more at Home. This crazy, destructive, violent world we live in was at times too much for me, and I did not want to be here. Working in these ancient ways, that cross space, time, and traditions is what allowed me to continue to choose this life. 


My calling has also led me near and far seeking radical immersion in service. I have assisted births in Tanzania, worked with Women in Action on economic empowerment, supported the Masai with women’s advocacy work, facilitated women’s healing circles in Greece, promoted women’s rights in India, worked in North Indian orphanages and at Mother Theresa’s Home for the Destitute, and double majored in Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies at Mills College. 


From 2010-2020 I was the NorCal Regional Director and Leadership Development Director for  a women’s social change organization called Shakti Rising. In January 2018 I received a vision that said “Move to Sacramento and start the Shakti Rising Leadership House”. At the time I was living in Point Reyes Station in Northern California, a witch in the woods who heard the call to come back out to the village. :)  So I did. By April 2018, we had rented a beautiful Victorian home, with three potential garden spaces- Casa Luna y Lobos. In our first year I piloted Wolves and Waterways serving 7 women, and as a community we began building a permaculture food forest, a community garden, meditation garden, compost system for the neighborhood, and a rainwater catch system. We served a little over 500 people through classes, community events, and speaking events.


Casa Luna y Lobos was a living laboratory for women leaders to come and immerse themselves in a living model of the feminine, to experience, build skills, heal, be held, and teach in these ways. 


This vision led me back to my roots. In the Wolves and Waterways program, we went to 1680 acres of land called Earth Teach Forest Park right outside of Ashland OR for a rewilding leadership experience. This is land my family has been stewarding for over 60 years. Through this process of bringing “The Wolves” to Earth Teach, I began to realize that I was called to steward this land.


In late 2019 I kept hearing the words, “move back to the land and live a simple life”. At first, this was scary as I had just built this program and felt like how can I both “be of service” and live this simple life on the land that I dreamed. However, I followed the longing and slowly started to move my life to Earth Teach. 


I am deeply grateful for following that knowing because when the pandemic started, I was living in a yurt on the land, surrounded by the trees, held deeply by Mother Earth as the world drastically changed.


These last years have been some of the hardest for me, they have brought me into an even deeper state of listening, of tending to my grief (my father passed away unexpectedly in October 2021), of healing, and of practicing more Love- for myself and others. 


In a world that often asks us to keep going, to push through, to grind and hustle, I have chosen to slow down, to listen, to heal and to deconstruct the ways I have been taught to “be a good, productive citizen”.


I am forever changed from my grief of my dads passing, for the first year I couldn’t fathom being excited about life or work, however I can now say I am excited for this next chapter. I am inspired by what the pandemic has offered us, even if it has been a bitter medicine, and I look forward to how my gifts and skills (my magic) may serve you and the work you are meant to do in the world. I believe we are all leaders, and have capacity to contribute, we only have to do OUR part. I believe that the Feminine is an essential remedy to the world, the systems and structures that we are living in today. 


If my story and what I have to offer calls to you in any way, please reach out for a 30 min soul exploration conversation. How does your body feel right now? Curious, unsure, ecstatic, something else? If there is any inclination for you to learn or share more, please contact me. We don’t always know the reason why- but when our bodies speak, it is so important for us to listen and act! 


Many blessings to you and your journey.




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