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The Wisdom of

Dream Tending

Dreaming is a portal to multiple dimensions of  realities that hold wisdom and guidance for our waking lives, individually and collectively. It is a place for soul recovery, healing, time travel, and lineage reclamation. Our dreams offer us a vision of what else is possible, and is an essential skill in a world that is asking us to wake up and remember our own humanity. To learn to TRUST what we know and how we know it,  even when it may not "make sense". 


6 Week Workshop

Seasonally based 6 week dream tending circle:

*2 hours online a week for 6 weeks

*WhatsApp connection and sharing in between

*Explore multiple ways of how to dream tend and work with your dreams. This is not about analyzing,

but embracing 

*Learn how to dream collectively

*Practice playing with art and creativity in service to your dreams

*Build confidence and trust in multiple ways of knowing



I had the experience of softening towards my deepest desires, of feeling secure and held in sharing the depths of my imagination and learning to trust the emerging whispers of my power. My dream life now feels properly, healthfully blended with my waking life. I didn't realize the deep pain I felt on a day-to-day basis through them being so separate.


Chelsea's Dream Circle showed me that my power lies not in putting one to bed (hee hee) over the other, but in being courageous enough to trust both worlds with, well, myself. A tremendous bonus was the immense, unpredictable and extremely powerful connection I grew with the other group members, both in waking life and in our dream lives. The blending of these worlds has healed so much in myself, my creativity, not to mention my lineage. It's also of note that as someone who normally hides her true desires, I found myself gleefully sharing desires large and small with my husband on a daily basis.


Chelsea's leadership invites spiritual expansion through love, reverence and trust. Her ability to pour her own love and trust into the container is a marvel. I don't know why anyone would want to be anywhere else than in a room (real or virtual) with her. Run, don't walk, to Chelsea Rose Cotton. Run and let yourself collapse joyfully into her arms. Let her let you dance and dream and trust and heal. ~Laura Westman

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